Decorating recyclable containers for Earth Day |
Earth Day is every day--that was a focus for kindergarten this week. From taking old yogurt containers and decorating them to replant our bean sprouts in, to cleaning up trash around our campus and on our Shirley Canyon hike this Thursday, I am so proud of this group of young activists. On Monday, more than one students shared that their favorite part of the day was cleaning up around our campus and classroom to help the earth. One of our students spied trash on the ground during our hike, and another student said to them, "Yay! You're helping save the earth!" Well done!

Other highlights of the week included starting a new read aloud picture story book about pioneers on the Oregon Trail. As this was how settlers ended up in the Tahoe area, it fits in well with our history unit. Students compared and contrasted how kids used to grow up long ago in colonial America, as well as during the westward expansion time. They were surprised to learn that, long ago in the 1700's, children weren't able to attend school unless their parents were very wealthy, and if parents didn't have an education, their children were likely to also not receive an education. What an amazing gift we have with free education for ALL students today, regardless of socioeconomic status!
Old Fashioned Vegas dress-up day |
As spring unfurls into full bloom, students' energy and excitement for being outside increases. They greatly enjoyed being outside for Old Style Vegas Day pictures on Wednesday, as well as playing outside for our CHOICE time on Monday. They quickly and eagerly grouped up to play a tag game. A parent this week commented on what an adventurous and overall cooperative group this is, and I must agree! Overall, it's been amazing to see them start to blossom into caring and cooperative little humans. That's what kindergarten is all about!
Harvest of the Month! |
Time to hit the California Trail! |
Adventurers |
Explorers |
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