This week was short, but what a fun and great way to kick it off with the 100th day of school on Wednesday, February 6th! We talked about counting to 100's by 1's and by 10's and the kids played hopscotch, built structures using 100 Legos, created Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 Fruit Loops using various counting strategies and colored 100 gumballs in groups of 10's. The kids had a blast and loved learning about 100!

Other things we did this week: We did have to forgo the Thursday afternoon hike because of the depth of snow, so instead we did an artist study on Vincent Van Gogh and his still-life paintings of everyday objects with primary colors and short painting brush strokes. Then the kids were allowed to explore painting with big and small brushes and attempted to paint everyday objects with the primary colors.

Finally, we worked on retelling a story with beginning, middle, and end pictures. We did this with one of my favorite stories that also highlights empathy: Hooway for Wodney Wat. Ask your child what the book was about! This hilarious book explores celebrating differences (in this case, Rodney pronounces his "r"s as "w"s), and how to accept and be kind to those who are different than us. The students loved it!
Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and warm, and hopefully we won't have any snow days next week!
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