An easterly wind blew through the valley yesterday, reminding us all that winter is on its way! Regardless of the cold, the kindergarteners bundled up and hit the trail for our Shirley Canyon hike, stopping along the way to find curved sticks and branches with which to fashion bows and arrows. The students fully embraced the activity, galavanting around and chasing imaginary 'bad guys' in worlds of their own creation. One of my favorite parts of working with kindergarteners is seeing how much they love imaginary play. It takes me back to my own childhood, which I spent mostly outdoors, and I'm so grateful for the proximity of Shirley Canyon so that they can experience outdoor play and adventures like this every week.

Things picked up in math this week, with more games and activities surrounding the number 10. For some, this meant counting within 10 and writing the number; for others, this meant creating different addition sentences and showing 10 in as many ways as they could. In reading, we finished unit 2 and moved onto unit 3, where we will spend more concentrated time on letter sounds and sight words to create simple sentences for some, and more complicated sentences for others.
The kids really enjoyed learning about American symbols this week, and loved writing about what they would do if they were president. Where would they live? How would they ride around? In their carriage, helicopter or on a unicorn named Twilight Sparkles? My favorite question and comment the students made about being president of the United States was, "Why haven't we had a woman president?
I wanna be president someday and
I'm a girl!" We have some strong, independent thinkers in our class, that's for sure! Our future is in good hands!
Breaking the Geode |

Finally, we welcomed our Special Me's sister to come read a book to us, and greatly enjoyed watching a geode get cracked open. Each student was able to keep a piece! In addition, we had the privilege of having a student's great-grandma as a volunteer in our classroom this week, experienced Harvest of the Month with various tastings of pomegranates, and had the fifth graders step up to be our reading buddies this week, since fourth grade was on a field trip and eighth grade is in the throes of reading
Macbeth. The students were able to be flexible and enjoyed their time immensely. This will be good practice for the flexibility needed with next week's shorter schedule and guest teacher....until then, and have a wonderful long weekend!
Help from Great Grandma |
Tasting Pomegranate juice |
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