Thursday, June 13, 2019

Last Day Pics and more!

Walking in at the Closing Ceremonies
Well, we did it. We made it! Congratulations to all these bright, spunky, energetic kindergarteners (and their wonderful parents) for graduating onto first grade! The last week of school was a busy one, filled with learning how to tell time, more addition and subtraction practice, and weights and measurement exploration in math. We also did a few last week art projects, which the kids greatly enjoyed. Thank you to everyone who came to the graduation-- I would love any photos if anyone is willing to share!

We finished off the last day with a Closing Ceremonies, where each class marched in and we enjoyed musical performances by TK-6th. Next, the kids got to experience the carnival--full of face painting, rock painting, pool noodle javelin toss, and much more. The kids had a blast, and it was a great way to kick off the summer. Here are some photos this week, with special thanks to the parents who provided me with the pictures of students at Enrichment and our Closing Ceremonies! Have a great summer everyone!!
Measurement in Math
Art projects

Carnival Fun!!

Photos from Enrichment

Friday, June 7, 2019

Talented Group

Matching map keys
With one week of school left after this week, we have dived into all the craziness and fun that the end of the year brings! We are wrapping up our academics by focusing on maps, map keys, and reading about the famous frontiersman, Davy Crockett. Their number proficiency has grown incredibly this year, as well as their reading and writing skills, which we put to work by creating hand-made cards for our book buddies (our last read together was this Thursday! Thank you book buddies!).

Painting flower pots for parent volunteers
Playing the Ipu
This week was full of other fun things: six of our kindergarteners participated in the annual school-wide talent show. One of our students played her Ipu, a gourd-drum from Hawaii, and five others danced to the song "My Favorite Things". It was adorable, and we had so much fun cheering them on. Later in the week, we went to the Tahoe City Farmer's Market for the second time this year. I'm so glad we were able to make it there one more time before summer. The kids had a blast, and as I mentioned to many of the parents who were in attendance, it's amazing to see how much they'd grown since our September field trip there. They are so much more independent and self-sufficient. I'd also like to add how well they behaved on the bus ride to and from Squaw and the Farmer's Market. I felt SO proud of how well they comported themselves outside of the school grounds. Thank you all for your work this year!

Dancing to "My Favorite Things"
Finally, we went on one last hike of the year up through Shirley Canyon. Students explored the trails with excitement and happiness that the pathways are now cleared of snow. Thank you again so much to Allyson Schreiber and Meggie Inouye for advocating for this to be a weekly event, and for helping out so much on the hikes this year. The kids loved it! Here's to a fun week, and we are all looking forward to our final week of fun next week. Have a beautiful weekend!!

Dressing as superheroes, just because :)

On the bus to the Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Fun!

Last Day Pics and more!

Walking in at the Closing Ceremonies Well, we did it. We made it! Congratulations to all these bright, spunky, energetic kindergarteners...