Observing our bean seeds |
What a week! While it was full of ups and downs and lots of sickness, we made the best of it. We learned more about history, and how we use timelines to keep track of history. Students made their own timelines of what they looked like as a baby, how they look now in kindergarten, and how they think they will look as adults. It was a great connection activity! We also welcomed Ms. Chris, Ms. Sandy's mom, as our teacher's helper for the rest of the year. We are beyond excited and thrilled to welcome her, along with her wisdom and experience in teaching, to our kindergarten community.
Scientific observations |
We also spent time observing our sprouted (or not sprouted) bean seeds this week, and we learned that sometimes scientists' experiments don't work out correctly the first time, and they have to try again. We discovered that too much water on the bean seeds will cause them to mold, and as consequence, they won't sprout. This was disappointing for many students, so they got to take home their repurposed containers and new bean seeds with the hopes that they would sprout a second time at home.
Artistic concentration |
Other highlights this week were: learning how to solve subtraction problems using tens frames, counters and number lines, being introduced to fact families, continuing our read aloud about the Oregon trail (kids are FASCinated with how people lived back then!), and collaborating with TK to do a mini field day outside on Thursday afternoon. We unfortunately didn't have enough adults to do a full hike that day, so we made the most of it, teaming up with TK and taking parts in events like the Ball Toss, Standing Long Jump, and a Water Relay. The kids loved it!
Beautiful Butterflies |
Finally, we had a guest parent volunteer come in and teach us how to create watercolored coffee filter butterflies as a spring art project on Thursday. The kids loved it, and I'm sure many will ask to recreate this popular art piece at home :)
Next week looks pretty rainy, so I hope everyone is able to enjoy a beautiful time outside this weekend! Finger's crossed to less rain than the forecast is predicting!! Happy weekend!!
Picking team names and creating team cheers! |
Water Relay |
More Water Relay |
Standing Long Jump |
Ball Toss |