Though we had a short week this week, there was SO much packed into that time! We had some definite year highlights this week. This Tuesday afternoon, the students were spell-bound by the Wild Things show (now called the Animal Conservation Ambassadors). We got to meet a variety of creatures (most of whose names I've already forgotten), including a California rattlesnake, a ring-tailed lemur, a turkey vulture, and an ALLIGATOR. The kids all got to come up and touch the alligator, which they LOVED.

On Wednesday afternoon, we learned more about animals and their habitats, and the kids all got to choose a habitat and create it with all the things their animals would need--food, shelter, water, and space. They greatly enjoyed it, and it was fun to see how they created their habitat dioramas.

Thursday morning ended up being the perfect time to go to the farm in Sparks! It only started raining as we were leaving, so we got to experience a hay ride, churning butter, planting pumpkin seeds, and petting baby animals in the warm sunshine. Thank you to all the parent volunteers and drivers for making this a possibility! It was a long drive there and back, and Ms. Jenni and I are so grateful for your help in helping keep track of kids and shuttling them to and from the farm. It was an amazing end to a fun-filled week! See you all next week!